Tree stencils

Anyone who loves nature will love the tree stencils presented on this page. Tall and squat, with a spreading crown or with sparse branches, dense in summer or completely without leaves - on this page you can find a variety of silhouettes. You can choose an exotic palm tree or a graceful weeping willow, a cute birch tree or a mighty oak tree that looks like an epic hero. Choose your favorite tree stencils and templates, then download or print them for free.


Tree stencils can be used to decorate a room or to create unusual furniture designs by decorating a dresser or headboard. Stencils of trees are perfect, as charts for burning out - for boys, or patterns for embroidery - for little needlewomen. Kids will love to trace the trunks and branches, and then add leaves, fruits, and maybe candy growing on the branches to them. After all, it is important not only to teach the child to properly hold scissors or pencils in his hands, but also to help him learn to fantasize. By the way, patterns of trees for cutting out of paper will be an excellent workout for those who are just learning how to use scissors, but for a start, you can take a simpler stencil. You can download or print Stencils of trees for children for free.

Free printable Tree stencils and templates

Written by Super Stencil